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Process ACH

In this service, there are no customizations since there are no screens associated with the payment process. The merchant must handle the service response and inform the result of the transaction to the client. The merchant must comply with regulations and data security standards establish by NACHA.

ACH Validation

As part of the security measures, the validation of bank account is a required process before processing an ACH transaction. This validation is through Plaid, a third-party service that allows the client to instantly connect their financial account through different options. For more information see ACH Services.


Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
username string X Merchant username provided by Evertec. 1-50
password string X Merchant password provided by Evertec. 1-50
trxOper string X Transaction operations:
accountID string X Account number for the client of the merchant. 1-50
customerName string X Customer name for the client of the merchant. 1-100
customerEmail string X Customer email for the client of the merchant. 1-100
address1 string Client merchant address1. 0-100
address2 string Client merchant address2. 0-100
city string Client merchant city. 0-100
state string Client merchant state. 0-100
zipcode string X Client merchant zip code. 5
trxID string X Merchant unique transaction value. 1-50
refNumber string Provided by authorized transaction. This field is required for refund or reverse transactions. 1-20
trxDescription string X Merchant transaction description value. 1-50
trxAmount string X Amount for the transaction. Format 0.00
trxTax1 string Tax1 value for the transaction. Format 0.00
trxTax2 string Tax2 value for the transaction. Format 0.00
bankAccount string X Bank account number for the transaction. 1-17
routing string X Routing number of the account's bank 9
accType string X Account type.
    W – Personal checking.
    S – Personal Saving.
    C – Commercial checking.
filler1 string Use for general value. 0-50
filler2 string Use for general value. 0-50
filler3 string Use for general value. 0-50

Response Structure

Parameter Type Description
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation: SALE or REVERSE.
trxtype string Transaction type: ACH


Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
username string X Merchant username provided by Evertec. 1-50
password string X Merchant password provided by Evertec. 1-50
trxOper string X Transaction operations:
accountID string X Account number for the client of the merchant. 1-50
customerName string X Customer name for the client of the merchant. 1-100
customerEmail string X Customer email for the client of the merchant. 1-100
address1 string Client merchant address1. 0-100
address2 string Client merchant address2. 0-100
city string Client merchant city. 0-100
state string Client merchant state. 0-100
zipcode string X Client merchant zip code. 5
trxID string X Merchant unique transaction value. 1-50
refNumber string X Provided by authorized transaction. This field is required for refund or reverse transactions. 1-20
trxDescription string X Merchant transaction description value. 1-50
trxAmount string X Amount for the transaction. Format 0.00
trxTax1 string Tax1 value for the transaction. Format 0.00
trxTax2 string Tax2 value for the transaction. Format 0.00
bankAccount string X Bank account number for the transaction. 1-17
routing string X Routing number of the account's bank 9
accType string X Account type.
    W – Personal checking.
    S – Personal Saving.
    C – Commercial checking.
filler1 string Use for general value. 0-50
filler2 string Use for general value. 0-50
filler3 string Use for general value. 0-50

Response Structure

Parameter Type Description
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation: SALE or REVERSE.
trxtype string Transaction type: ACH

ACH Validation

The merchant must handle the response and implementation of the "Plaid Link" verification screen. This can be accessed through a URL and will be provided as part of the response message. The ACH validation response message will be through an ACH sale using ProcessACH.

Response Structure

Parameter Type Description
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string "Plaid Link" URL.

Response Codes

rCode rMsg
6000 Plaid Link URL successfully created
6001 Insufficient Funds Available
6002 Decline - Back account pre-verification could not be completed
6003 Decline - Bank account information is invalid
6004 The financial institution indicated that the user's password or MFA information has changed. The client have to validate through the Plaid Link again. new

This allows to know if the client finished the validation flow through the Plaid link correctly, the merchant must create a listener process in the JavaScript file. This response does not indicate the validation status of the client through Plain Link. This is just information to indicate if the user's interaction with the plaid screens ended successfully or was closed by the user or by some response error from Plaid.

Object emitted if the user closes the Plaid Link window or if the flow terminates successfully. This will be of type String, which should be cast to JSON.


    "finishedProcess": true,
    "ClosedByuser": false

Event response:

FinishedProcess ClosedByUser Meaning
True False Successful process.
True True Canceled by user.
True False Plaid process error.