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Daily Closing Process

On a daily basis, the Web Payment Service automatically executes a closing process for the transactions performed by the Merchant.

This process generates three results for Merchant: a text file called MMPTran.txt with the authorized payment transactions, a file text called logfile.txt with all the existing data in the system regarding the transactions performed during the processing day, regardless of whether they were approved, rejected or incomplete, and a .pdf report with the authorized transactions. The returns can be included in this report if requested by the merchant.

This process is scheduled to be performed each labor day at 3:00 PM, the time of the close of transactions. The process that generates the .pdf report and the text files starts approximately at 5:30 PM.

These files generated by the daily closing are sent to the EVERTEC server in conformity with the communication protocol selected by the merchant for their retrieval.

The following sections illustrate the format for each of the files generated at the closing

Basic File Format With Authorized Transactions

Download sample document


Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "1"
2 Process Date numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
3 Tax ID alphanumeric 20 Tax ID #
4 Merchant Name alphanumeric 20 Merchant Name
5 Filler alphanumeric 31 Spaces

Batch Total

Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "5"
2 Batch Description numeric 15 "Web Payments "
3 Process Date numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
4 Batch Total Items numeric 7
5 Batch Total Amount numeric 12 9(10)v99
6 Filler alphanumeric 37 Spaces


Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "6"
2 Filler alphanumeric 5 Spaces
3 Authorization # (CPS) alphanumeric 6
4 Type of Payment alphanumeric 1 M, V, A, X,…W
5 Merchant Client Account # alphanumeric 20
6 Payment Amount numeric 10 9(8)v99
7 Remitter Name (TelePago only) alphanumeric 37


Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "9"
2 Filler alphanumeric 6 Spaces
3 Total Items numeric 7
4 Total Amount numeric 12 9(10)v99
5 Filler alphanumeric 54 Spaces

ACH Returns Included

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Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "1"
2 Process Date numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
3 Tax ID alphanumeric 20 Tax ID #
4 Merchant Name alphanumeric 20 Merchant Name
5 Filler alphanumeric 31 Spaces

Batch Total

Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "5"
2 Batch Description numeric 15 "Web Payments "
3 Process Date numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
4 Batch Total Items numeric 7
5 Batch Total Amount numeric 12 9(10)v99
6 Filler alphanumeric 37 Spaces


Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "6"
2 Filler alphanumeric 5 Spaces
3 Authorization # (CPS) alphanumeric 6
4 Type of Payment alphanumeric 1 M, V, A, X,…W
5 Merchant Client Account # alphanumeric 20
6 Payment Amount numeric 10 9(8)v99
7 Remitter Name (TelePago only) alphanumeric 37

Batch Total ACH Returns

Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "7"
2 Batch Description numeric 15 "MMPayReturns"
3 Process Date numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
4 Batch Total Items numeric 7
5 Batch Total Amount numeric 12 9(10)v99
6 Filler alphanumeric 37 Spaces

Detail ACH Returns

Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "8"
2 Account ID alphanumeric 20 Merchant Service Account
3 Process Date transaction numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
4 Reason Code Return alphanumeric 3 "R00".. "R99"
5 Description Code alphanumeric 15
6 Payment Amount numeric 10 9(8)v99
7 Authorization Number numeric 6
8 Process Date Devolution numeric 8 YYYYMMDD
9 Payment type alphanumeric 1 W, S, C, T, U
10 Filler alphanumeric 8


Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 Record ID numeric 1 Value "9"
2 Filler alphanumeric 6 Spaces
3 Total Items numeric 7
4 Total Amount numeric 12 9(10)v99
5 Filler alphanumeric 54 Spaces

Logfile Format

This file is provided in txt format to be processed by the merchant’s application. Also, this file is provided in PDF format in an easier to read format

Download TXT sample document.
Download PDF sample document.


Field No Data Field Name Type Length Definition
1 MerchantId numeric 4
2 CustomerId alphanumeric 20
3 CustomerName alphanumeric 40
4 CustomerEmail alphanumeric 40
5 Payment Amount numeric 10
6 PaymentType alphanumeric 1 Payment method
7 Description alphanumeric 50
8 Tax 1 numeric 5
9 Date alphanumeric 10 MM/DD/YYYY
10 Time alphanumeric 8 HH:MM:SS
11 AuthorizationNumber alphanumeric 6
12 ConfirmationNumber alphanumeric 20
13 Success alphanumeric 1 1 = True; 0=False
14 Tax 2 numeric 5
15 Tax 3 numeric 5
16 Tax 4 numeric 5
17 Tax 5 numeric 5
18 Filler 1 alphanumeric 50
19 Filler 2 alphanumeric 50
20 Filler 3 alphanumeric 50