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Response Codes

rCode Description
00 Approved
1 User Authentication Failed
2 Invalid Transaction
3 Invalid Transaction Type
4 Invalid Amount
5 Invalid Merchant Information
7 Field Format Error
8 Not a Transaction Server
9 Invalid Parameter Stream
10 Too Many Line Items
11 Client Timeout Waiting for Response
12 Decline
13 Referral
14 Transaction Type Not Supported In This Version
19 Original Transaction ID Not Found
20 Customer Reference Number Not Found
22 Invalid ABA Number
23 Invalid Account Number
24 Invalid Expiration Date
25 Transaction Type Not Supported by Host
26 Invalid Reference Number
27 Invalid Receipt Information
28 Invalid Check Holder Name
29 Invalid Check Number
30 Check DL Verification Requires DL State
40 Transaction did not connect (to NCN because SecureNCIS is not running on the web server)
50 Insufficient Funds Available
99 General Error
100 Invalid Transaction Returned from Host
101 Timeout Value too Small or Invalid Time Out Value
102 Processor Not Available
103 Error Reading Response from Host
104 Timeout waiting for Processor Response
105 Credit Error
106 Host Not Available
107 Duplicate Suppression Timeout
108 Void Error
109 Timeout Waiting for Host Response
110 Duplicate Transaction
111 Capture Error
112 Failed AVS Check
113 Cannot Exceed Sales Cap
1000 Generic Host Error
1001 Invalid Login
1002 Insufficient Privilege or Invalid Amount
1003 Invalid Login Blocked
1004 Invalid Login Deactivated
1005 Transaction Type Not Allowed
1006 Unsupported Processor
1007 Invalid Request Message
1008 Invalid Version
1010 Payment Type Not Supported
1011 Error Starting Transaction
1012 Error Finishing Transaction
1013 Error Checking Duplicate
1014 No Records To Settle (in the current batch)
1015 No Records To Process (in the current batch)