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Transaction Search

This service allows the merchant to locate a specific transaction to verify its status. If the merchant needs to reverse a transaction, they need to know its requestId; this service provides a way to get it.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development -
  • Production -

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
username string X Merchant username provided by Evertec. 1-50
password string X Merchant password provided by Evertec. 1-50
accountID string X Account number for the client of the merchant. 1-20
trxID string X Merchant unique transaction value. 1-50
trxAmount string X Amount for the transaction. 0.0m

Response Structure

Parameter Type Description
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
trxtype string Transaction type. This field must contain DEBIT, CREDIT or ACH values.
trxOper string Transaction operation. This field must contain SALE, REFUND or REVERSE values.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxDatetime string Transaction datetime.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
rCode string Transacion Search response status. Not transaction status
rMsg string Transaction Search response message. Not transaction status
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
statusCode string This field show the transaction status in MMPY. See Response Codes.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.