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Process Wallet

In this service, there are no customizations since there are no screens associated with the payment process. The merchant must handle the service response and inform the result of the transaction to the client. The merchant must comply with regulations and data security standards establish by PCI.

*A previous configuration URL's is required to process ATH payments.

Customer Account

The following services work with the creation, update and removal of a user account.


The first step to execute a payment with a stored method of payment is for the merchant to enroll the customer to the Wallet service. With this service the merchant will enroll the customer and the method of payment of the customer.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
enrollmentDate string X Request date stamp format = “YYYY-MM-DD” 10
merchantUser string X Username provided by EVERTEC for the merchant 1-50
customerAccountNumber string X Customer account number related to merchant 1-20
firstName string X Customer’s First Name 1-50
lastName string X Customer’s Last Name 1-50
email string X Customer’s Email 1-100
paymentType string X See Payment Method Codes 1
cardNumber number X* Credit card number. 15-19
cardExpirationDate string X* Credit card expiration date. format=MMYY 4
cardCVV number X* Card validation number 4
zipCode number X* Card holder zip code 5
bankAccountNumber number X** Bank Account Number. 5-14
routingNumber number X** Bank Routing Number.


*     Required if paymentType = V, M, X
**    Required if paymentType = C, W, S

Request Structure

Parameter Type Description
hasError string TRUE or FALSE: TRUE if an error occurs
message string Description of Result
result string TRUE or FALSE: TRUE if no error occurs (will be the opposite of HasError parameter)

Edit Customer

This service provides the functionality for modifying payment information in the service. The service updates the enrolled customer information. The process replaces the method of payment (credit card/bank account) that the customer has associated with your account number with the new information sent in the transaction.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Parameter Type Required Description Length
enrollmentDate string X Request date stamp format = “YYYY-MM-DD” 10
merchantUser string X Username provided by EVERTEC for the merchant 1-50
customerAccountNumber string X Customer account number related to merchant 1-20
firstName string X Customer’s First Name 1-50
lastName string X Customer’s Last Name 1-50
email string X Customer’s Email 1-100
paymentType string X See Payment Method Codes 1
cardNumber number X* Credit card number. 15-19
cardExpirationDate string X* Credit card expiration date. format=MMYY 4
cardCVV number X* Card validation number 4
zipCode number X* Card holder zip code 5
bankAccountNumber number X** Bank Account Number. 5-14
routingNumber number X** Bank Routing Number.


*     Required if paymentType = V, M, X
**    Required if paymentType = C, W, S

Response Structure

Parameter Type Description
hasError string TRUE or FALSE: TRUE if an error occurs
message string Description of Result
result string TRUE or FALSE: TRUE if no error occurs (will be the opposite of HasError parameter)

Delete Customer

This service provides the functionality for delete payment information in the service. The service deletes the enrolled customer information from the system.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
merchantUser string X Username provided by EVERTEC for the merchant 1-50
customerAccountNumber string X Customer account number related to merchant 1-20
email string X Customer’s Email 1-100

Response Structure

Parameter Type Description
hasError string TRUE or FALSE: TRUE if an error occurs
message string Description of Result
result string TRUE or FALSE: TRUE if no error occurs (will be the opposite of HasError parameter)

Transaction Processing

The following services work with the execution of different transactions related to sale, reverse and refund.

Sale Transaction

This service will execute a transaction using the stored method of payment of the customer in the service.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
username string X Merchant username provided by Evertec. 1-50
password string X Merchant password provided by Evertec. 1-50
trxOper string X Transaction operations: Sale 4-10
accountID string X Account number for the client of the merchant. 1-20
trxID string X Merchant unique transaction value. 1-50
refNumber string Provided by authorized transaction. This field is required for refund or reverse transactions. 1-20
trxDescription string X Merchant transaction description value. 1-50
trxAmount string X Amount for the transaction. 0.0m
filler1 string Use for general value. 0-50

Response Structure for Credit

Parameter Type Description
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
postingdate string Date when the transaction will be posted.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
systemTrace string System trace for the transaction.
trxDatetime string Transaction datetime.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation. This field must contain SALE, REFUND or REVERSE values.
trxtype string Transaction type. This field must contain DEBIT, CREDIT or ACH values.

Response Structure for ACH

Parameter Type Description
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation. This field must contain SALE, REFUND or REVERSE values.
trxtype string Transaction type. This field must contain DEBIT, CREDIT or ACH values.

Response Structure for ATH

Parameter Type Description
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message. This field must contain a pinpad URL if rCode is 00 (succesfull).

Reverse Transaction

This service will reverse a transaction.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
username string X Merchant username provided by Evertec. 1-50
password string X Merchant password provided by Evertec. 1-50
trxOper string X Transaction operations: Reverse 4-10
accountID string X Account number for the client of the merchant. 1-20
trxID string X Merchant unique transaction value. 1-50
refNumber string Provided by authorized transaction. This field is required for refund or reverse transactions. 1-20
trxDescription string X Merchant transaction description value. 1-50
trxAmount string X Amount for the transaction. 0.0m
filler1 string Use for general value. 0-50

Response Structure for Credit

Parameter Type Description
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
systemTrace string System trace for the transaction.
trxDatetime string Transaction datetime.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation. This field must contain SALE, REFUND or REVERSE values.
trxtype string Transaction type. This field must contain DEBIT, CREDIT or ACH values.

Response Structure for ACH

Parameter Type Description
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation. This field must contain SALE, REFUND or REVERSE values.
trxtype string Transaction type. This field must contain DEBIT, CREDIT or ACH values.

Refund Transaction

This service will execute a transaction using the stored method of payment of the customer in the service.

Parameter Description

The URLs of this service are the following:

  • Development
  • Production

A JSON payload sample can be found here

Request Structure

Parameter Type Required Description Length
username string X Merchant username provided by Evertec. 1-50
password string X Merchant password provided by Evertec. 1-50
trxOper string X Transaction operations: Refund 4-10
accountID string X Account number for the client of the merchant. 1-20
trxID string X Merchant unique transaction value. 1-50
refNumber string Provided by authorized transaction. This field is required for refund or reverse transactions. 1-20
trxDescription string X Merchant transaction description value. 1-50
trxAmount string X Amount for the transaction. 0.0m
filler1 string Use for general value. 0-50

Response Structure for Credit

Parameter Type Description
authNumber string Transaction authorization number.
batchNumber string Transaction batch number.
merchantid string Merchant number provided by Evertec.
rCode string Transaction response code. See Response Codes.
rMsg string Transaction response message.
refNumber string Transaction reference number.
requestID string Request ID for the transaction.
systemTrace string System trace for the transaction.
trxDatetime string Transaction datetime.
trxID string transaction ID.
trxOper string Transaction operation. This field must contain SALE, REFUND or REVERSE values.
trxtype string Transaction type. This field must contain DEBIT, CREDIT or ACH values.